Wednesday, February 25, 2015

How to Make T-Shirt Yarn

This past weekend hubby decided to go through his clothes and donate to charity a bunch of items he was not wearing any more. In the pile of things were several t-shirts. I had been thinking of trying to make T-shirt yarn for some time now so I took this as an opportunity to give it a try. Although there are several steps to the process, it was pretty simple. One word of caution though...don't let your mind wonder or you could end up with a bunch of fabric loops like I did at one point. Another side note is to use t-shirts that have no side seams for a smooth yarn and use the sharpest scissors you have.

Step 1: Find a pile of old T-shirts or go out and purchase some in fun colours at a thrift store.

Step 2: Fold the t-shirt in half so the sleeves are together with any design facing outward so you can see how far to cut your "yarn". Trim off the hem at the bottom and discard.

Step 3: Using a ruler, measure about half an inch down from the fold line and draw a line across the length of the t-shirt. Then mark one inch intervals along the opposite edge of the t-shirt which you will use as a cutting guide.

Step 4: Cut as many strips as you cut until you reach the underarm of the t-shirt. Be sure not to go past the line you have drawn at the top edge of the t-shirt, you do not want to cut past the fold. Discard the top part of the t-shirt including the sleeve portion.

Step 5: Flatten out the top cut section of t-shirt in a single layer so that the uncut top portion of the t-shirt is running down the center of your piece of fabric.

Step 6: This is the part that gets a little tricky so pay attention. (This is where I ended up with some loops instead of a strip). Cut diagonal across the uncut portion from strip to strip. Cut the first piece at a slant and each consecutive piece after that so you have one long strip of fabric. Don't be concerned if you have some odd looking sections, after the next step everything will look okay.

Step 7: Grab one end of your strip and start to pull the fabric, it will magically curl up on itself and look a lot more like yarn. Do this to the whole long strand. Be careful you do not go too burns your hand :(

Once I had several balls of "yarn" I found a pattern on Pinterest. There are many, just type in T-Shirt yarn basket pattern to find one you like. Now I have a great place to keep my onions!!

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